
Fort George G. Meade, located mid-way between Baltimore and Washington, D.C., is home to all branches of the military service – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, Cyber Force, Reserves and Coast Guard. Fort Meade is home to 120 government agencies and organizations including the National Security Agency. U.S. Cyber Command and the Defense Information Systems Agency.

Fort Meade is Maryland’s largest employer and has the third largest workforce of any Army installation in the continental United States. There are approximately 55,000 military and civilians working on the Installation.

Fort George G. Meade, including the agencies on the installation, together generate a total of $21.6 billion in economic activity in Maryland — or 39 percent of the total output from all of the military installations, according to a study of the economic impact of military facilities by the Maryland Department of Commerce. FGGM supports 153,310 jobs and provides nearly $9 billion in wages annually.

Fort Meade is virtually a city in itself. It is located on 5,400 acres, and includes 65.5 miles of paved roads, 3.3 miles of secondary roads, more than 1,500 buildings and nearly 2,900 homes. The installation sports a modern exchange mall, bank, credit union, post office, chapels, seven schools and many other facilities.

Learn more about Fort George G. Meade here.